ANT4HG - User manual


[F001] Init

This functionality aims to surround : hg init and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg init [-e CMD] [--remotecmd CMD] [DEST]

create a new repository in the given directory

    Initialize a new repository in the given directory. If the given directory
    does not exist, it will be created.

    If no directory is given, the current directory is used.

    It is possible to specify an "ssh://" URL as the destination. See 'hg help
    urls' for more information.


 -e --ssh        specify ssh command to use
    --remotecmd  specify hg command to run on the remote side

use "hg -v help init" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command init yes
dir hg root directory yes

                      <hg cmd="init" dir="/my/rootdirectory" />  

[F002] Status

This functionality aims to surround : hg status and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg status [OPTION]... [FILE]...

aliases: st

show changed files in the working directory

    Show status of files in the repository. If names are given, only files
    that match are shown. Files that are clean or ignored or the source of a
    copy/move operation, are not listed unless -c/--clean, -i/--ignored,
    -C/--copies or -A/--all are given. Unless options described with "show
    only ..." are given, the options -mardu are used.

    Option -q/--quiet hides untracked (unknown and ignored) files unless
    explicitly requested with -u/--unknown or -i/--ignored.

    NOTE: status may appear to disagree with diff if permissions have changed
    or a merge has occurred. The standard diff format does not report
    permission changes and diff only reports changes relative to one merge

    If one revision is given, it is used as the base revision. If two
    revisions are given, the differences between them are shown.

    The codes used to show the status of files are:

      M = modified
      A = added
      R = removed
      C = clean
      ! = missing (deleted by non-hg command, but still tracked)
      ? = not tracked
      I = ignored
        = origin of the previous file listed as A (added)


 -A --all        show status of all files
 -m --modified   show only modified files
 -a --added      show only added files
 -r --removed    show only removed files
 -d --deleted    show only deleted (but tracked) files
 -c --clean      show only files without changes
 -u --unknown    show only unknown (not tracked) files
 -i --ignored    show only ignored files
 -n --no-status  hide status prefix
 -C --copies     show source of copied files
 -0 --print0     end filenames with NUL, for use with xargs
    --rev        show difference from revision
 -I --include    include names matching the given patterns
 -X --exclude    exclude names matching the given patterns

use "hg -v help status" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command status yes
dir directory to check yes
status files status all (default) | modified
added | removed
deleted | clean
unknown | ignored
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no

Missing options :
-n --no-status hide status prefix
-C --copies show source of copied files
-0 --print0 end filenames with NUL, for use with xargs
--rev show difference from revision


<hg cmd="status" dir="/my/rootdirectory/dir/to/check" status="modified">
  <dirset dir="/my/rootdirectory/dir/to/check">
    <include name="**/*.cpp"/>
    <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>

ant4hg set properties to retrieve status values :

  • ant4hg.status.list
  • ant4hg.status.♯list
  • ant4hg.status.delimiter

They can be used with ant-contrib <for> task :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="test-status" basedir="." default="test1" xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib" xmlns="">

  <property environment="myenv" />
  <path id="ant4hg.classpath">
    <fileset dir="BJDOLLAR{myenv.ANT_HOME}/lib">
      <include name="ant.jar" />
      <include name="ant-launcher.jar" />
      <include name="ant4hg.jar" />
      <include name="ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
  <taskdef resource="net/sourceforge/ant4hg/taskdefs/antlib.xml" classpathref="ant4hg.classpath" />
  <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" classpathref="ant4hg.classpath" />
  <target name="test1">  
    <hg cmd="status" dir="." />

    <!-- list all files -->
    <echo>NB ELEMENTS : BJDOLLAR{ant4hg.status.#list}</echo>
    <ac:for list="BJDOLLAR{ant4hg.status.list}" delimiter="BJDOLLAR{ant4hg.status.delimiter}" param="line">
        <echo>LINE : @{line}</echo>


[F003] Log

This functionality aims to surround : hg log and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg log [OPTION]... [FILE]

aliases: history

show revision history of entire repository or files

    Print the revision history of the specified files or the entire project.

    File history is shown without following rename or copy history of files.
    Use -f/--follow with a filename to follow history across renames and
    copies. --follow without a filename will only show ancestors or
    descendants of the starting revision. --follow-first only follows the
    first parent of merge revisions.

    If no revision range is specified, the default is tip:0 unless --follow is
    set, in which case the working directory parent is used as the starting

    See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date.

    By default this command prints revision number and changeset id, tags,
    non-trivial parents, user, date and time, and a summary for each commit.
    When the -v/--verbose switch is used, the list of changed files and full
    commit message are shown.

    NOTE: log -p/--patch may generate unexpected diff output for merge
    changesets, as it will only compare the merge changeset against its first
    parent. Also, only files different from BOTH parents will appear in


 -f --follow        follow changeset history, or file history across copies
                    and renames
    --follow-first  only follow the first parent of merge changesets
 -d --date          show revisions matching date spec
 -C --copies        show copied files
 -k --keyword       do case-insensitive search for a keyword
 -r --rev           show the specified revision or range
    --removed       include revisions where files were removed
 -m --only-merges   show only merges
 -u --user          revisions committed by user
 -b --only-branch   show only changesets within the given named branch
 -P --prune         do not display revision or any of its ancestors
 -p --patch         show patch
 -g --git           use git extended diff format
 -l --limit         limit number of changes displayed
 -M --no-merges     do not show merges
    --style         display using template map file
    --template      display with template
 -I --include       include names matching the given patterns
 -X --exclude       exclude names matching the given patterns

use "hg -v help log" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command log yes
dir directory to log yes
follow follow changeset history, or file history across copies and renames
if first : only follow the first parent of merge changesets
true/false | yes/no | on/off |
first (only follow the first parent of merge changesets)
date show revisions matching date spec no
copies show copied files true/false | yes/no | on/off no
keyword do case-insensitive search for a keyword no
revision show the specified revision or range no
removed include revisions where files were removed true/false | yes/no | on/off no
merges yes : show only merges
no : do not show merges
true/false | yes/no | on/off no
user revisions committed by user no
branch show only changesets within the given named branch no
prune do not display revision or any of its ancestors no
patch show patch true/false | yes/no | on/off no
git use git extended diff format true/false | yes/no | on/off no
limit limit number of changes displayed no
style display using template map file no
template display with template no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no

ant4hg set properties to retrieve log values :

  • ant4hg.log.revision
  • ant4hg.log.changeset
  • ant4hg.log.tag
  • ant4hg.log.branch
  • ant4hg.log.user
  • ant4hg.log.summary

<hg cmd="log" dir="/my/rootdirectory/dir/to/show" >
  <arg value="-rtip"/>
<echo message="==========================" />
<echo message="revision = BJDOLLAR{ant4hg.log.revision}" />
<echo message="changeset = BJDOLLAR{ant4hg.log.changeset}" />
<echo message="tag = BJDOLLAR{ant4hg.log.tag}" />
<echo message="branch = BJDOLLAR{ant4hg.log.branch}" />
<echo message="user = BJDOLLAR{ant4hg.log.user}" />
<echo message="date = BJDOLLAR{}" />
<echo message="summary = BJDOLLAR{ant4hg.log.summary}" />

                            <hg cmd="log" dir="/my/rootdirectory/dir/to/show" revision="tip"/>  

[F004] Add

This functionality aims to surround : hg add and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg add [OPTION]... [FILE]...

add the specified files on the next commit

    Schedule files to be version controlled and added to the repository.

    The files will be added to the repository at the next commit. To undo an
    add before that, see hg forget.

    If no names are given, add all files to the repository.


 -I --include  include names matching the given patterns
 -X --exclude  exclude names matching the given patterns
 -n --dry-run  do not perform actions, just print output

use "hg -v help add" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command add yes
dir directory to add yes
dry-run do not perform actions, just print output true/false, yes/no, on/off no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no

<project name="hg-add" default="add" basedir=".">

  <taskdef resource="net/sourceforge/ant4hg/taskdefs/antlib.xml" />

  <property name="user" value="myname"/>
  <!-- patterns -->
  <patternset id="cpp.pattern">
    <include name="**/*.cpp" />

  <target name="add">
    <hg cmd="add" dir="." pattern="cpp.pattern" />

  <target name="add2">
    <hg cmd="add" dir=".">
      <dirset dir="src">
        <include name="**/*.java"/>
        <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>

[F005] Remove

This functionality aims to surround : hg remove and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg remove [OPTION]... FILE...

aliases: rm

remove the specified files on the next commit

    Schedule the indicated files for removal from the repository.

    This only removes files from the current branch, not from the entire
    project history. -A/--after can be used to remove only files that have
    already been deleted, -f/--force can be used to force deletion, and -Af
    can be used to remove files from the next revision without deleting them
    from the working directory.

    The following table details the behavior of remove for different file
    states (columns) and option combinations (rows). The file states are Added
    [A], Clean [C], Modified [M] and Missing [!] (as reported by hg status).
    The actions are Warn, Remove (from branch) and Delete (from disk):

             A  C  M  !
      none   W  RD W  R
      -f     R  RD RD R
      -A     W  W  W  R
      -Af    R  R  R  R

    This command schedules the files to be removed at the next commit. To undo
    a remove before that, see hg revert.


 -A --after    record delete for missing files
 -f --force    remove (and delete) file even if added or modified
 -I --include  include names matching the given patterns
 -X --exclude  exclude names matching the given patterns

use "hg -v help remove" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command remove yes
dir directory to remove yes
after record delete for missing files true/false, yes/no, on/off no
force remove (and delete) file even if added or modified true/false, yes/no, on/off no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no

<hg cmd="remove" dir=".">
  <dirset dir="/my/rootdirectory/dir/where/remove" force="true">
    <include name="BJDOLLAR{pattern.include}"/>

[F006] Commit

This functionality aims to surround : hg commit and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg commit [OPTION]... [FILE]...

aliases: ci

commit the specified files or all outstanding changes

    Commit changes to the given files into the repository. Unlike a
    centralized RCS, this operation is a local operation. See hg push for a
    way to actively distribute your changes.

    If a list of files is omitted, all changes reported by "hg status" will be

    If you are committing the result of a merge, do not provide any filenames
    or -I/-X filters.

    If no commit message is specified, the configured editor is started to
    prompt you for a message.

    See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date.


 -A --addremove     mark new/missing files as added/removed before committing
    --close-branch  mark a branch as closed, hiding it from the branch list
 -I --include       include names matching the given patterns
 -X --exclude       exclude names matching the given patterns
 -m --message       use <text> as commit message
 -l --logfile       read commit message from <file>
 -d --date          record datecode as commit date
 -u --user          record the specified user as committer

use "hg -v help commit" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command commit yes
dir directory to commit yes
message commit message no
logfile commit message - (message parameter has priority) no
date commit date no
user commit user no
addremove mark new/missing files as added/removed before committing true/false, yes/no, on/off no
closebranch mark a branch as closed, hiding it from the branch list true/false, yes/no, on/off no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no

<hg cmd="commit" dir="." message="BJDOLLAR{message}" user="BJDOLLAR{user}">
  <dirset dir="/my/rootdirectory/dir/to/commit">
    <include name="BJDOLLAR{pattern.include}"/>
    <exclude name="BJDOLLAR{pattern.exclude}"/>

[F007] Update

This functionality aims to surround : hg update and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg update [-c] [-C] [-d DATE] [[-r] REV]

aliases: up, checkout, co

update working directory

    Update the repository's working directory to the specified changeset.

    If no changeset is specified, attempt to update to the head of the current
    branch. If this head is a descendant of the working directory's parent,
    update to it, otherwise abort.

    The following rules apply when the working directory contains uncommitted

    1. If neither -c/--check nor -C/--clean is specified, and if the requested
       changeset is an ancestor or descendant of the working directory's
       parent, the uncommitted changes are merged into the requested changeset
       and the merged result is left uncommitted. If the requested changeset
       is not an ancestor or descendant (that is, it is on another branch),
       the update is aborted and the uncommitted changes are preserved.
    2. With the -c/--check option, the update is aborted and the uncommitted
       changes are preserved.
    3. With the -C/--clean option, uncommitted changes are discarded and the
       working directory is updated to the requested changeset.

    Use null as the changeset to remove the working directory (like 'hg clone

    If you want to update just one file to an older changeset, use 'hg

    See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date.


 -C --clean  discard uncommitted changes (no backup)
 -c --check  check for uncommitted changes
 -d --date   tipmost revision matching date
 -r --rev    revision

use "hg -v help update" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command update yes
dir directory to update yes
clean overwrite locally modified files (no backup) true/false, yes/no, on/off no
date tipmost revision matching date no
revision revision no
check check for uncommitted changes true/false, yes/no, on/off no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no

                                    <hg cmd="update" dir="/my/rootdirectory/dir/to/update" revision="1"/>  

[F008] Clone

This functionality aims to surround : hg clone and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg clone [OPTION]... SOURCE [DEST]

make a copy of an existing repository

    Create a copy of an existing repository in a new directory.

    If no destination directory name is specified, it defaults to the basename
    of the source.

    The location of the source is added to the new repository's .hg/hgrc file,
    as the default to be used for future pulls.

    See 'hg help urls' for valid source format details.

    It is possible to specify an "ssh://" URL as the destination, but no
    .hg/hgrc and working directory will be created on the remote side. Please
    see 'hg help urls' for important details about "ssh://" URLs.

    If the -U/--noupdate option is specified, the new clone will contain only
    a repository (.hg) and no working copy (the working copy parent will be
    the null changeset). Otherwise, clone will initially check out (in order
    of precedence):

    a) the changeset, tag or branch specified with -u/--updaterev
    b) the changeset, tag or branch given with the first -r/--rev
    c) the head of the default branch

    Use 'hg clone -u . src dst' to checkout the source repository's parent
    changeset (applicable for local source repositories only).

    A set of changesets (tags, or branch names) to pull may be specified by
    listing each changeset (tag, or branch name) with -r/--rev. If -r/--rev is
    used, the cloned repository will contain only a subset of the changesets
    of the source repository. Only the set of changesets defined by all
    -r/--rev options (including all their ancestors) will be pulled into the
    destination repository. No subsequent changesets (including subsequent
    tags) will be present in the destination.

    Using -r/--rev (or 'clone src#rev dest') implies --pull, even for local
    source repositories.

    For efficiency, hardlinks are used for cloning whenever the source and
    destination are on the same filesystem (note this applies only to the
    repository data, not to the checked out files). Some filesystems, such as
    AFS, implement hardlinking incorrectly, but do not report errors. In these
    cases, use the --pull option to avoid hardlinking.

    In some cases, you can clone repositories and checked out files using full
    hardlinks with

      $ cp -al REPO REPOCLONE

    This is the fastest way to clone, but it is not always safe. The operation
    is not atomic (making sure REPO is not modified during the operation is up
    to you) and you have to make sure your editor breaks hardlinks (Emacs and
    most Linux Kernel tools do so). Also, this is not compatible with certain
    extensions that place their metadata under the .hg directory, such as mq.


 -U --noupdate      the clone will only contain a repository (no working copy)
 -u --updaterev     revision, tag or branch to check out
 -r --rev           clone only the specified revisions and ancestors
    --pull          use pull protocol to copy metadata
    --uncompressed  use uncompressed transfer (fast over LAN)
 -e --ssh           specify ssh command to use
    --remotecmd     specify hg command to run on the remote side

use "hg -v help clone" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
source the local or remote source to clone - http://url
- https://url
- file://path | path
- ssh://url
yes if current directory is not a local repository.
no otherwise : uses current directory by default
destination the destination directory no, default is the basename of the source
noupdate the clone will only contain a repository (no working copy) true/false, yes/no, on/off no
revision clone only the specified revisions and ancestors no
pull use pull protocol to copy metadata true/false, yes/no, on/off no
uncompressed use uncompressed transfer (fast over LAN) true/false, yes/no, on/off no
ssh specify ssh command to use no
remotecmd specify hg command to run on the remote side no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no
auth authentification no : hg uses hgrc configuration by default
hg source hg destination
<hg source="BJDOLLAR{src.val}" /> BJDOLLAR{src.val} basename of the source : => ./ant4hg-tests
file://path/to/my/dir => ./dir
<hg destination="BJDOLLAR{dest.val}" /> current directory
must be local repository root directory
(that contains .hg)
<hg source="BJDOLLAR{src.val} destination="BJDOLLAR{dest.val}" /> BJDOLLAR{src.val} BJDOLLAR{dest.val}

# clone repository to ./ant4hg-tests : the basename of the source
<hg cmd="clone" source=""/>

# clone repository to the given directory
                                      <hg cmd="clone" source="" destination="path/to/dir" />  

[F009] Pull

This functionality aims to surround : hg pull and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg pull [-u] [-f] [-r REV]... [-e CMD] [--remotecmd CMD] [SOURCE]

pull changes from the specified source

    Pull changes from a remote repository to a local one.

    This finds all changes from the repository at the specified path or URL
    and adds them to a local repository (the current one unless -R is
    specified). By default, this does not update the copy of the project in
    the working directory.

    Use hg incoming if you want to see what would have been added by a pull at
    the time you issued this command. If you then decide to added those
    changes to the repository, you should use pull -r X where X is the last
    changeset listed by hg incoming.

    If SOURCE is omitted, the 'default' path will be used. See 'hg help urls'
    for more information.


 -u --update     update to new tip if changesets were pulled
 -f --force      run even when remote repository is unrelated
 -r --rev        a specific remote revision up to which you would like to pull
 -e --ssh        specify ssh command to use
    --remotecmd  specify hg command to run on the remote side

use "hg -v help pull" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
dir the local directory no : uses current directory by default
source the local or remote source to pull - http://url
- https://url
- file://path | path
- ssh://url
no : hg uses hgrc configuration by default
update update to new tip if changesets were pulled true/false, yes/no, on/off no
force run even when remote repository is unrelated true/false, yes/no, on/off no
revision a specific revision up to which you would like to pull no
ssh specify ssh command to use no
remotecmd specify hg command to run on the remote side no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no
auth authentification no : hg uses hgrc configuration by default

# without prompt using read-only access
<hg cmd="pull" dir="ant4hg" source=""/>

# using ant4hg authentification :
<hg cmd="pull" 
  <auth user="ant4hg" password="******" />

# using hgrc configuration :
<hg cmd="pull" dir="my/local/repository"/>

# hgrc : 

ant4hg.prefix =
ant4hg.username = ant4hg
ant4hg.password = ******
ant4hg.schemes = http

[F010] Push

This functionality aims to surround : hg push and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg push [-f] [-r REV]... [-e CMD] [--remotecmd CMD] [DEST]

push changes to the specified destination

    Push changes from the local repository to the given destination.

    This is the symmetrical operation for pull. It moves changes from the
    current repository to a different one. If the destination is local this is
    identical to a pull in that directory from the current one.

    By default, push will refuse to run if it detects the result would
    increase the number of remote heads. This generally indicates the user
    forgot to pull and merge before pushing.

    If -r/--rev is used, the named revision and all its ancestors will be
    pushed to the remote repository.

    Please see 'hg help urls' for important details about "ssh://" URLs. If
    DESTINATION is omitted, a default path will be used.


 -f --force      force push
 -r --rev        a specific revision up to which you would like to push
 -e --ssh        specify ssh command to use
    --remotecmd  specify hg command to run on the remote side

use "hg -v help push" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
dir the local directory no : uses current directory by default
destination the local or remote destination - http://url
- https://url
- file://path | path
- ssh://url
no : hg uses hgrc configuration by default
force force push true/false, yes/no, on/off no
revision a specific revision up to which you would like to push no
ssh specify ssh command to use no
remotecmd specify hg command to run on the remote side no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no
auth authentification no : hg uses hgrc configuration by default

# using ant4hg authentification :
<hg cmd="push" dir="/my/local/dir/" destination="">
  <auth user="ant4hg" password="******" />

# using hgrc configuration :
<hg cmd="push" dir="my/local/repository"/>

# hgrc : 

ant4hg.prefix =
ant4hg.username = ant4hg
ant4hg.password = ******
ant4hg.schemes = http

[F011] Export

This functionality aims to surround : hg export and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg export [OPTION]... [-o OUTFILESPEC] REV...

dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets

    Print the changeset header and diffs for one or more revisions.

    The information shown in the changeset header is: author, changeset hash,
    parent(s) and commit comment.

    NOTE: export may generate unexpected diff output for merge changesets, as
    it will compare the merge changeset against its first parent only.

    Output may be to a file, in which case the name of the file is given using
    a format string. The formatting rules are as follows:

    "%%"   literal "%" character
    "%H"   changeset hash (40 bytes of hexadecimal)
    "%N"   number of patches being generated
    "%R"   changeset revision number
    "%b"   basename of the exporting repository
    "%h"   short-form changeset hash (12 bytes of hexadecimal)
    "%n"   zero-padded sequence number, starting at 1
    "%r"   zero-padded changeset revision number

    Without the -a/--text option, export will avoid generating diffs of files
    it detects as binary. With -a, export will generate a diff anyway,
    probably with undesirable results.

    Use the -g/--git option to generate diffs in the git extended diff format.
    See 'hg help diffs' for more information.

    With the --switch-parent option, the diff will be against the second
    parent. It can be useful to review a merge.


 -o --output         print output to file with formatted name
    --switch-parent  diff against the second parent
 -a --text           treat all files as text
 -g --git            use git extended diff format
    --nodates        don't include dates in diff headers

use "hg -v help export" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command export yes
dir the directory to export yes
revision the revision(s) to export R1[;R2;...] yes
output print output to file with formatted name no
switchparent diff against the second parent true/false, yes/no, on/off no
text treat all files as text true/false, yes/no, on/off no
git use git extended diff format true/false, yes/no, on/off no
nodates don't include dates in diff headers true/false, yes/no, on/off no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no

<hg cmd="export" dir="/my/directory/to/export"/>


[F013] Tag

This functionality aims to surround : hg tag and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg tag [-f] [-l] [-m TEXT] [-d DATE] [-u USER] [-r REV] NAME...

add one or more tags for the current or given revision

    Name a particular revision using <name>.

    Tags are used to name particular revisions of the repository and are very
    useful to compare different revisions, to go back to significant earlier
    versions or to mark branch points as releases, etc.

    If no revision is given, the parent of the working directory is used, or
    tip if no revision is checked out.

    To facilitate version control, distribution, and merging of tags, they are
    stored as a file named ".hgtags" which is managed similarly to other
    project files and can be hand-edited if necessary. The file
    '.hg/localtags' is used for local tags (not shared among repositories).

    See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date.


 -f --force    replace existing tag
 -l --local    make the tag local
 -r --rev      revision to tag
    --remove   remove a tag
 -m --message  use <text> as commit message
 -d --date     record datecode as commit date
 -u --user     record the specified user as committer

use "hg -v help tag" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command tag yes
dir directory to tag yes
tag name of the tag yes
force replace existing tag true/false, yes/no, on/off no
local make the tag local true/false, yes/no, on/off no
revision revision to tag no
remove remove a tag true/false, yes/no, on/off no
message use <text> as commit message no
date record datecode as commit date no
user record the specified user as committer yes

[F014] AddRemove

This functionality aims to surround : hg addremove and to adapt it for <ant> tags.

Shell command

hg addremove [OPTION]... [FILE]...

add all new files, delete all missing files

    Add all new files and remove all missing files from the repository.

    New files are ignored if they match any of the patterns in .hgignore. As
    with add, these changes take effect at the next commit.

    Use the -s/--similarity option to detect renamed files. With a parameter
    greater than 0, this compares every removed file with every added file and
    records those similar enough as renames. This option takes a percentage
    between 0 (disabled) and 100 (files must be identical) as its parameter.
    Detecting renamed files this way can be expensive.


 -s --similarity  guess renamed files by similarity (0<=s<=100)
 -I --include     include names matching the given patterns
 -X --exclude     exclude names matching the given patterns
 -n --dry-run     do not perform actions, just print output

use "hg -v help addremove" to show global options
Attribute Description Value Required
cmd hg command addremove yes
dir directory to addremove yes
dry-run do not perform actions, just print output true/false, yes/no, on/off no
Nested element Description Required
dirset resource collections no
arg command line argument value no

<project name="hg-addremove" default="addremove" basedir=".">

  <taskdef resource="net/sourceforge/ant4hg/taskdefs/antlib.xml" />

  <property name="user" value="myname"/>
  <!-- patterns -->
  <patternset id="cpp.pattern">
    <include name="**/*.cpp" />

  <target name="addremove">
    <hg cmd="addremove" dir="." pattern="cpp.pattern" />

  <target name="add2">
    <hg cmd="addremove" dir=".">
      <dirset dir="src">
        <include name="**/*.java"/>
        <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>